CHPD token
How to buy $CHPD token?
Buy on any supported decentralized or centralized exchange. For more accurate info please visit or
How to add $CHPD to private non-custodial wallets like MetaMask, Trust Wallet etc.?
Add a custom token and upload the contract address of CHPD, and fill in 18 decimals
How can I use $CHPD?
As a project owner:
Use $CHPD to pay for the launch on ChirpPad
Pay for additional marketing activities to enhance projects visibility and reach
As a potential investor:
Holding $CHPD grants you access to exclusive launches
Spend $CHPD to boost allocation percentages for specific project launches
Stake $CHPD and vote which projects will get listed on launchpad
Stake and earn rewards or participate in liquidity mining campaigns (for more details visit staking page)
Last updated